Faculty profile

Ding Zhang

Professor, Operations Management


327 Rich Hall

Office hours

Fall 2024:
Tuesday, Thursday 10:10 - 11:10 am
and  3:30 - 4:30 pm
and by appointment

By Appointment:

Awards and honors

  • 2016 Best Paper Prize 2016 IMA Journal of Management Mathematics
  • 2019 Chancellor's Award for Excellence in Scholarship and Creative Activities
  • SUNY Oswego President's Award for Scholarship & Creative Activity
  • Major Research Project Award NSF of China, 2004, $900,000
  • SUNY Oswego Provost's Award for Scholarly and Creative Activity

Classes taught

Summer 2024:
MBA 515 - Management Science I

Fall 2024:
MBA 515 - Management Science I
MGT 410 - Management Science

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