Jason_ZenorDepartment: Communication Studies
Rank: Assistant Professor

Contact Info: jason.zenor@oswego.edu
Office Hours: MWF 9-10am

JD (2010): University of South Dakota
MPA (2010): University of South Dakota
MA (2004): Syracuse University

Media Law; Media Economics; Politics & Media

Current Publications:
Shielding Acts of Journalism: Open Leak Sites, National Security and the Free Flow of Information‚ 40 Nova Southeastern Law Review (Fall 2015).

Damming the Leaks: Balancing National Security, Whistleblowing and the Public Interest” 3 Lincoln Memorial Law Review (Fall 2015).

Parasocial Politics: Audiences, Politics and Pop Culture. New York: Lexington Books (2014).

Sins of the Flesh: Obscenity Law in the Era of Virtual Pornography‚ 19 Communication Law & Policy 563-589 (Fall 2014).

But Where are those Good Old Fashioned Values? Reception Analysis of Offensive Humor in Family Guy.‚ Operant Subjectivity, 37 (2), 23-40 (2014).

Lifting the Dover Ban: The Compromise on Press Access to Fallen Soldiers Returning from War‚ University of Florida Journal of Law and Public Policy, 24(1), 98-125 (Spring 2013).

Politics of Fear? Reception Analysis on the Meaning, Effect and Value of the New Yorker‚ ‚Obama Cover‚ Operant Subjectivity, 36 (1), 25-46 (January 2013).

Conferences/ Presentations:

This is Just Not Working for Us: After Ten Years on the Job, It is Time to Fire Garcetti‚ Presented to the Law and Policy Division at the 2015 Conference of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, San Francisco, CA.

Accessory or Neccessity? Millennials' Perception of Second Screen Technology‚ Presented to the Media Management and Econimics Division at the 2015 Conference of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, San Francisco, CA.

A Reckless Disregard for the Truth: The Right to Lie in Politics‚ Presented to the Communication Law & Ethics Division at the 2014 Conference of the Eastern Communication Association, Philadelphia, PA.

Us and Them: Millennials‚ Perspective on their Political Disaffection‚ Presented to the Political Communication Division at the 2014 Conference of the Eastern Communication Association, Philadelphia, PA. [Top Paper Award]

Jason Zenor and David Moody, ‚Return of the King‚ Audience Reception of The Boondocks in the Post-Racial World.‚ Presented to Minorities and Communication Division at the 2014 Conference of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Montreal, QB. [2nd Place Paper]

Jason Zenor and Steven Granelli ‚Decoding the ‚Code‚ Reception Theory and Moral Judgment of  Dexter.‚ Presented to the Communication Theory and Methodology Division at the 201e Conference of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, August 9th 2014, Montreal, QB

Blowing the Whistle: Assessment of Whistleblower Laws in the Private Sector‚  Presented to the Communication Law & Ethics Division at the 2014 Conference of the Eastern Communication Association, Providence, RI.

"(Virtual) Crime & (Real) Punishment: the PROTECT Act‚ Punishment of Erotic Cartoons as Child Pornography.‚ Presented to the Law and Policy Division at the 2013 Conference of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Washington, DC.

Crime of Impossibility? A Critical Examination of Western Obscenity Laws and the Criminalizing of Fantasy.‚ Presented to the Critical & Cultural Studies Division at the 2013 Conference of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Washington, DC.

Go to Our Website for More (of the Same): Reassessing Federal Policy towards Newspapers Mergers and Cross Media Ownership and the Harm to Localism, Diversity and the Public Interest.‚  Presented to the Communication Law and Ethics Division at the 2013 Conference of the Eastern Communication Association, Pittsburgh, PA.

Professional Affiliates:
Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication
Eastern Communication Association
International Society for the Scientific Study of Subjectivty

Additional Info:
Pre-Law Advisor (SUNY-Oswego)