Stephanie Wideman
Department: Communication Studies
Rank: Visiting Assistant Professor
Contact Info:
Office Hours: MW 2pm-3pm T&TH Noon-1pm
Ph.D., Communication Studies/Rhetoric, Expected Graduation Fall 2015, Wayne State University, Detroit, MI Advisor: Dr. James Cherney
M.A., Political Science/Public Administration, 2010, University of West Florida, Pensacola, FL
B.A., Communication Arts/Public Relations, 2006, University of West Florida, Pensacola, FL
Participant in Competitive 2012 Wayne State Summer Seminar, Bringing Deliberative Democracy into Electoral Politics, Presented by Dr. John Gastil
Participant in Competitive 2011 Wayne State Summer Seminar, Visual Rhetoric and Public Culture, Presented by Dr. John Lucaites
Current Publications:
Wideman, Stephanie L. (Summer 2011). An American Carnival: The Tea Party and Sarah Palin. The Forensic, 96(2), 11-20.
In Progress:
Citizen-Advocate: Asserting a critical framework as equipment for living through collegiate forensic engagement
The Civil Kiss: A visual criticism of protester images and the representation of pathetic dissent in civic uprisings
Current Performances/Exhibitions/Lectures:
Wideman, S. (Fall 2013). Public Speaking Skills and Research. Requested by the Honors College, Wayne State University, Detroit, MI.
Wideman, S; Zimmerman, A; Richmond, S. (Fall 2013). Medical Team Building through Communication. Requested by Hutzel Hospital, OBGYN Department, Detroit, MI.
Wideman, S; Koch, J; Bumstead, B. (Winter 2013). Entrepreneurial Public Speaking. Requested by TechTown, Detroit, MI.
Wideman, S; Machesky, S; Brundage, J; Hardin, G; Black, D. (March 2012). Middle School Outreach: Examining the CLASH in Argumentation. Requested by West Village Middle School, Wayne State University, Detroit, MI
Wideman, S; Kellam, K. (Winter 2011). Speech Consultant. Requested by the College of Engineering, ASCE Concrete Canoe Competition, Wayne State University, Detroit, MI
Wideman, S. (2014, November). We are all Asma: A Visual Investigation of the Role of Females as Catalysts for Protest Rhetoric in Egypt. Paper presented at the National Communication Association Annual Conference, Chicago, IL. Wideman, S. (2013, November). Chair: Top Student Papers. Argumentation and Forensics Division. National Communication Association Annual Conference, Washington D.C.
Current Research/Research Interests:
Rhetoric, Visual Rhetoric, Argumentation & Forensics, Rhetoric of the Body, Citizenship, Gender and Race Studies, Presidential Rhetoric, Affect & Emotion Studies
Professional Affiliates:
National Communication Association, 2008-Present
*2009-Present, Secretary of Argumentation & Forensics Division, National Communication Association
Rhetoric Society of America, 2012-Present
Michigan Intercollegiate Speech League, 2010-Present
Florida Intercollegiate Forensics Association, 2007-2010