Leadership Oswego County's Class of 2017 to graduate, honor 3 in community
Office of Communications and Marketing
Leadership Oswego County, a community program administered by SUNY Oswego's Office of Business and Community Relations, will hold the Class of 2017's graduation ceremony at 6 p.m., Wednesday, June 7, in Sheldon Hall ballroom on SUNY Oswego's campus.
This year, the program will honor three community members: Dan Farfaglia of the Oswego County Legislature will receive the Community Leadership Award; Garrette Weiss of the Center for Instruction, Technology and Innovation (CiTi) will receive the Distinguished Alumni Award; and Brian Caswell of Caswell & Associates will receive the Friend of Leadership Oswego County Award.
This marks the 24th year of the program, which teaches community trusteeship, leadership skills, current issues and networking to a diverse group of community residents.
Leadership Oswego County prepares a select group of county residents to become the community stewards of the future. Each group embarks on a nine-month course on Oswego County and its resources, vital issues of today and visioning for the future.
Key community members mentor and share with participants the skills and knowledge needed to be effective leaders. Graduates of the program are better prepared to serve the community in the roles of board member, citizen, employee or volunteer with organizations that serve Central New York.
The public is invited to congratulate Leadership Oswego County's graduates and recognize the honorees. Tickets need to be purchased by May 26, and cost $35 per person, which includes dinner. There is a cash bar. Checks are payable in advance to OBCR c/o Oswego College Foundation, 103 Rich Hall, SUNY Oswego, Oswego, NY 13126.
For more information on tickets, contact the SUNY Oswego Office of Business and Community Relations at 312-3492.