College enriches cultural engagement with 'International Year of Brazil'
Office of Communications and Marketing
SUNY Oswego’s Institute for Global Engagement has launched an “International Year of” series, picking up for 2016-17 where the Summer Olympics left off—with Brazil.
The world’s fifth-largest country—chosen to lead off the annual series as a result of a survey the IGE conducted—will take center stage for a cultural festival, academic collaborations, a film festival, faculty and guest lecturers, and more during the school year.
“We are very excited about the brand new ‘International Year of’ program, which will allow us to focus on a different nation every year and bring a more directed approach to organizing events,” said Ulises Mejias, director of the Institute for Global Engagement. “Brazil is a great way to begin the series. Given the importance of Brazil in historical, economic, political and environmental terms, I suspect we are all going to learn a lot, both from SUNY Oswego experts as well as invited lecturers and guests.”
International Year of Brazil will kick off with the Brazil Cultural Festival at 6 p.m. Sunday, Sept. 18, in Marano Campus Center food and activity court, as part of the college’s annual ALANA Student Leadership Conference. Participants will have an opportunity to experience Brazilian food, music and other cultural highlights, and even dance with the Latino Student Union’s Ritmo dance club.
On Thursday, Sept. 22, Sally Crimmins Villela, SUNY assistant vice chancellor for global affairs, will help formally inaugurate the International Year of Brazil, unveiling a banner and later appearing briefly at ALANA’s annual “Collections of Expressions” event at 6:30 p.m. in Marano Campus Center auditorium. Syracuse University’s Brazilian ensemble, Josh Dekaney and Samba Laranja, will entertain, as will SUNY Oswego’s Gospel Choir.
These events are free and open to the public.
“The IGE committee has done a wonderful job of scheduling academic and cultural events to provide students and community members with a unique opportunity to learn about that great country, and about the contribution of its people to our communities,” Mejias said.
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For more information, visit the institute’s website at