SUNY Oswego students provide free tax-return assistance


February 9, 2018

SUNY Oswego's student-driven Volunteer Income Tax Assistance program once again will provide free tax-return services to local residents through April.

VITA sessions that are free and available to members of the public include:

* Oswego County Office Building, 200 N. 2nd St. in Fulton: Tuesdays, 4:30 to 7:30 p.m. through April 10 (except March 13)

* Hamilton Homes, 96 Hamilton St. in Oswego: 4:30 to 7:30 p.m., Thursdays, Feb. 8 and 22, March 8 and 22, April 5

* Rich Hall, SUNY Oswego: Saturdays, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., Feb. 10, 17 and 24; March 3 and 24; April 7 and 14.

Coordinated by Beta Alpha Psi, the honor society for accounting and finance students in SUNY Oswego's School of Business, the local VITA program received a 100 percent score of the Quality Site Requirements in its IRS field audit last year.

Taxpayers should bring last year's return, any STAR rebate receipts, other pertinent tax paperwork and some kind of identification to the walk-in sessions.

For more information on VITA tax sessions, call 315-312-2934 or email