CTAB Agenda - March 12, 2021
8:00 am - 9:30 am - Zoom
1. Welcome
2. Approval of Agenda
3. Approval of February 12, 2021 meeting minutes
4. Open Session - Q & A
5. Committee Reports
TIP committee report (Sean)
Educational Technology Committee (John)
ITC Report (Theresa)
IT Steering (Sean)
CTS Report
6. Projects
TIP grant presentation
Casey Raymond -
This grant supports the Chemistry department's move to Chromebooks and mobile device data collection. The Chromebooks will aid in data collection and analysis for all students in general chemistry laboratory courses. The new interface allows students to collect data directly to their mobile device for storage, processing, and retrieval.
Candis Haak-
This grant supports the purchase of one large format scanner and five tablets for the development of a multi-year, digital humanities project for students enrolled in undergraduate History and Digital Humanities minor courses. Together, the scanner and tablets will permit students to acquire a range of highly employable and transferable skills while building a larger project about spaces and places of Oswego.
The Post Pandemic Recovery - What’s next?
Over the last year, the campus has increased its reliance on technology as we modified the way we learn, teach and work to get through the pandemic. But the vaccine is coming and at the least, an increased presence on campus is desired and being hoped for. When we do increase our presence on campus, we will not be turning the clock back and picking up where we left off. Rather, we will be taking some of the lessons we have learned and applying them to what’s next.
Whatever is ahead, we know that Oswego will remain dedicated to our core principles of being a residential college offering a wide range of academic programs. We will remain innovative and committed to diversity, equity and inclusion as well as to our student’s success.
At the March CTAB meeting we want to discuss ideas on what the campus feels is next for Fall 2021. From a technology standpoint, we will be viewing 2021-22 as a recovery year. Our focus will be to ensure we are positioned to have a myriad of options depending on the direction that the campus moves into the next phase.
What will it mean for:
Teaching and Learning
The business of the University
Student services
7. Adjourn