CTAB Meeting Minutes, December 10, 2021
8am - 9:30am, via Zoom
1. Welcome
2. Approval of Agenda
- Motion to approve, Dave Sargent. Second the motion, Theresa Gilliard-Cook.
- All in favor.
3. Approval of November meeting minutes
- Motion to approve, Theresa Gilliard Cook. Second the motion, Dave Sargent.
- All in favor.
4. Open Session - Q & A
- Eric Blanchard - Zoom question - Use zoom for office hours, it has a feature for logging out after 40 minutes if idle. Dave K. - Yes, it does, it is per Zoom. Not sure if we have control over it. Will need to talk to Tyrone. Discussion on work arounds for staying connected.
5. Committee Reports
- ITC Report (Theresa)
- Met November 23rd. Had a draft policy for Regular and Substantive Interaction, have shared with Rameen and hopefully we will be able to put something out for FA review so that it becomes part of policy for SUNY Oswego.
- TIP Grants 2021-2022 Update (Sean)
- Committee met earlier this week. We have made some recommendations and I will share with Scott later today. Will announce them within the next couple of weeks. Will have another round in the Spring will announce in February with a March deadline.
- CTS Report (Sean)
- SUNY Council of CIOs Concern survey
- Institutional IT Concerns and Priorities
- Sean- The discussion around the SUNY CCIO group is how we start to look forward and position ourselves for the future. There are some major projects that will be executed this year that is common to all the schools, and finding ways to work together is the most efficient. Two of the big projects are the move to the new DLE and the SUNY Oswego Print initiative.
- Digital Learning Environment (DLE) Update
- Sean - We have received a document from SUNY a couple of weeks ago which asked us which cohort we wanted to be in. Our response was that we want to be in the first cohort. Pilot in the spring. We prefer not to move learning management systems mid-semester.
- Kathi - 69 people have signed up for D2L sandbox through the SUNY sandbox. We have 80+ people who said they wanted sandboxes. SUNY DPD and D2L will be doing the training. First they will be training us then they will train the faculty. Just starting to set up the subcommittee, the campus implementation team. Both Theres and I are both on it. Will be meeting next week for the first time. Everything is starting to move along. Need to figure out how to set up the architecture.
- Theresa - We were at at Doodle days meeting last week, our D2L representative was there. They gave us a similar demo. They showed us some other tools that we will be able to access and to better serve our faculty.
- Kathi - D2L, if you need any help, there is a chat button and they are extremely responsive. John - D2L has some really great resources online, to review.
- Sean - Inside the memo, which cohort you are in will depend on the factors of readiness - MFA, SUNY Global ID, Device Management, SUNY Federation. On Monday there will be a campus readiness questionnaire and discussion of where we are at. Much more to follow.
- Oswego Print Initiative Update
- Sean shared SUNY-wide Print Policy.
- Nicole - We have been communicating to everyone on campus. When doing moves, we have been removing printers. We have set up release printing which you would release the job at the printer when you are ready to pick it up. We worked a lot with departments that moved out of Hewitt. We have been working with Admissions. Working with individual departments. We received a progress report from Pharos which we are down 60%. We have retrieved about 40 printers. They also mentioned that color printing is the most expensive part so for our multifunction printers we are relatively flat and we can minimize. The pandemic helped moving to digital. We did have some problems with printing certain programs and documents. Dan Truong has been working on this. We are making progress. Have been working with Wayne Westervelt on the communications. Next we will be working with students to see what their printing usability has been and will reevaluate the amount of pages that we give them.
Projects of interest
- Remote WorkSean - I want to address working remotely over the break. We have had some requests to borrow equipment. We don’t have much equipment at this point. The equipment we used before was borrowed from labs and departments. We have told people that they can take home their desktops and monitors. We have also seen a lot of departmental purchase of laptops which will allow for more mobility. We are doing what we can do to support remote work, but we are more limited than during the pandemic..
- Nicole - VAP computer replacements went out and we are currently working on the FCR replacements. So far approximately 20-25 requests, we will be encouraging people to get laptops. If people are using personal laptops, need to make sure that the OS is up to date and make sure that their anit-virus is up to date.
- Help Desk will be open next week 8am - 4:30pm. Working remotely during Dec. 20 - Jan. 9. Will be available for any repairs or equipment laptops.
- Winter Breakout, John - Getting schedules ready. If anyone would like to do a wbo session, please contact.
6. Projects
- CTS Winter project update
- Will be changing out some batteries on campus.
- Panopto upgrades.
- We are still waiting on equipment to arrived.
Regular and Substantive Interaction (Theresa)
7. Adjourn
- Motion to adjourn Dave Sargent, Second William Bowers.
All in favor.
Meeting adjourned 9:08am