CTAB Meeting Minutes, February 12, 2021
ATTENDEES: Josh Adams, Mark Baker, Eric Blanchard, William Bowers, David Bozak, Matt Brooks, Rick Buck, Patricia Burnett, Christine Clay, Nicole Decker, Kathi Dutton, Kristi Eck, Kristen Eichhorn, Benjamin, Etner, Brenda Farnham, Sean Finnerty, Richard Frieman, Greg Fuller, Joshua Galletta, Theresa Gillard-Cook, Alla Gul, Jinyan Guo, Tyrone Johnson-Neuland, David Kahn, John Kane, Jamie Kapuscinski, Raihan Khan, Martin Koen, Julia Koeppe, Erin Kovalsky, Star Matteson, Sean Moriarty, Ritu Radhakrishnan, Casey Raymond, Michael Riecke, David Sargent, Barbara St. Michel, Paul Tomascak, Joey Tse, Jim Weinschreider, Leigh Wilson
Administrative Support: Kristine Smith
1. Welcome
2. Approval of Agenda
- Motion to approve, Dave Bozak; second the motion, Dave Sargent. All in favor.
3. Approval of December 11, 2020, meeting minutes
- Motion to approve, Theresa Gillard-Cook; second the motion, Dave Sargent. All in favor.
4. Open Session - Q & A
Dave B., Big Sir, Citrix screen on Chrome - blank screen, Firefox - it is fine. Dave K. - Sounds like a resolution issue, it does work, she should call the Help Desk. Will look into it.
Eric Blanchard - Zoom logins, students having some issues. Tyrone - We moved towards a single sign on for Zoom. Have seen numerous login issues. We have recently published knowledge base articles which students can look into. We have addressed all the issues that we have received. Service Now Common Errors Knowledge Base Article.
5. Committee Reports
- TIP committee (Sean)
- TIP Grant Awards
There were ten submissions and the committee met with eight of hte teams. The focus on proposals was on accessibility, inclusion, hybrid, and distance learning. Thank you to the committee members for all of their work.
- Educational Technology Committee (John) - No report. No date for next meeting
- ITC Report (Theresa)
Met Monday, talked about the change in Zoom, the accessibility challenge, changes to printing. Will schedule the next meeting in the next few weeks.
- IT Steering (Sean)
We meet once a semester. Will be meeting later in the semester. Will be looking at budget effects and what we will be doing in the summer and what the fall will look like.
Casey Raymond: How different do you think the printing changes will be moving forward? Don’t know that it will make a big difference in Shineman. Nicole - Shineman is a good example as far as departments working together and sharing printers. Need to get a better understanding of the lay of printing on the faculty and staff side. Explained some of the process and checking data.
Discussion regarding moving the senior checklist to online.
6. Projects
- Winter 2020/21, including COVID testing and reporting, updates to Zoom, and the upcoming SUNY Oswego Print project (See CTS Report)
7. Adjourn
- Motion to adjourn - Dave Bozak, seconded by Dave Sargent