CTAB Meeting Minutes

September 10, 2021
8:00 am - 9:30 am via Zoom


  • Approval of Agenda - Motion to approve, Theresa Gilliard-Cook, second Dave Sargent.

  • Approval of May 14, 2021 meeting minutes - Motion to approve, Dave Sargent, second Dave Bozak.

Open Session - Q & A

  • Dave Bozak, issues with BB and when will we move.  Theresa, we don’t have a contract and there is minimal that we can say.  Sean, we are expecting that there will be a contract and we have been having discussions with how we want to move forward.

Committee Reports

  • Spring TIP grant awards

    • Need two members from CTAB to participate in the Fall - Raihan Khan and Nicole Wise, Ben Entner, Josh Adams.  

ITC Report (Theresa)

  • We have not met yet.  Still need a member from FA.  Will be discussing course structure and content.  We would like Dave B. to participate.  What will happen to all our existing course content if we migrate to something else?  Theresa, all materials will migrate over.

  • Kathy - We didn’t bring everything over, but everything will be archived.  We will be able to access it.  We will have the ability to access everything. Discussion regarding online components that are not courses.  

Educational Technologies Committee (John)

  • Have not met yet, will be meeting next month.

IT Steering (Sean)

  • Will meet in November.


Would like feedback regarding CTAB Zoom meetings.

When we go back to in-person meetings, we will go hybrid.  We will offer both, we will be doing it synchronously and will not be recording the meetings. The majority voted for Zoom meetings.  And hybrid.


  • Theresa & Martin move to adjourn