December 9, 2022 CTAB Meeting Minutes
8:00 am - 9:30 am
Zoom and 123 Penfield (CELT) in person
Approval of Agenda
Motion to approve, Dave Sargent, second John Kane, all in favor. -
Approval of November meeting minute
Motion to approve, John Kane, second Dave Sargent, all in favor. -
Open Session - Q & A
Committee Reports
ITC Report (Dave S.)
No report -
IT Steering (Sean)
No report -
CTS Report
Semester has been one of change. -
Winter 2022/23
SET - Dan Laird
SET Presentation
Digital Learning Environment Update (Kathi, Nicole & Theresa)
December 9 is the last day for access to BB for faculty and students.
Oswego DLE website -
Questions - Sean, Turnitin - We are having some contract issues, however, we do have it for the end of the Fall semester.
Leigh - Creative writing, a lot of students are supposed to attach documents or scripts for their peers to read and about 5% of the students cannot get that to work. Kathi - Any students that have that problem should reach out to the SUNY help desk. John - It may be the wrong type of file, Poon - It can be solved by going through the feedback section, if they click a second time, it will go through. Leigh’s is in assignments not feedback. Kathi - Another question from the English department is that some students said they were going to be losing access to Brightspace at the end of the semester. That is not true unless the faculty turn off the course access for students. Anyone who has an account and has ability to access, they will be able to access any of their previous courses that are still available.
Theresa - As a reminder - for any questions, issues, or concerns with using Brightspace, please contact the Help Desk. Contacting individual team members can delay response time.
Sean - The team has been great, a big shout out to John Familo who provided a script for us that has been wonderful. We are so far ahead of other campuses because we have so many people involved and have had really good support from the Administrative Technology group. SUNY has done a great job also.
Theresa - Our first Winter Session in Brightspace starts Monday, 12/12.
- SUNY Oswego Administrative Systems Update
Pat Clark asked if there were costs for the apps being used. Sean explained that we do a business case analysis for applications above a certain threshold. We look at the investments in technology as investments and it streamlines the work for us as well as provide the digital environment that clients working with the College expect. Our ability to do more work through technology assists staff to do higher level work and increases client interaction.
Leigh asked about managing Advisor assignments in Banner, working in Banner is byzantine. Eric - We would be happy to talk to you and see what we can do to help you out and streamline things more for you.
Sean - Discussion regarding microcredentials. It is very complex supporting it on our backend systems. We will be reviewing how we need to adjust and add capability to assist the campus meet our goals. - John - Just a couple things, Winterbreakout is coming up, hopefully we can open registration by early next week, and CIT is being held at SUNY Oswego this year.
- Adjourn