CTAB Meeting Agenda, May 14, 2021

8:00 am - 9:30 am


1.  Welcome

2.  Approval of Agenda

3.  Approval of March 12, 2021 meeting minutes

4.  Open Session - Q & A

5.  Committee Reports

  • Academic Technology Report (John)
  • ITC Report (Theresa)

  • IT Steering (Sean)

  • CTS Report

    • Summer 2021 Plans

6. Projects

  • SUNY Oswego Print Initiative (Nicole Decker & Karen Hurd)

  • TIP grant presentation

    • Donna Matteson- This grant supports a Visual Reality (VR) experience and photo-polymerization printing and analysis within several curricula which will impact about 200 students per year. These tools provide students with real-world applications of emerging technologies and support a learning-centered experience where students have the unique opportunity to learn within the VR world by building and manipulating VR content for Computer Aided Design and Architecture

    • Jason Hy & Greg Ketcham - This grant supports the purchase of a lightboard, providing faculty the ability to create visually dynamic lecture capture videos for online and hybrid learning. Institutions such as Northwestern University, Penn State, and San Diego State University have adopted this instructional technology in recent years. The technology is especially valuable for instructors in science, math, or technology, who often must work through formulae or explain complex processes using illustrations.