CTAB Meeting Minutes, May 14, 2021
Campus Technology Advisory Board
Approval of Agenda - Motion to approve, Dave Sargent, second Josh Adams.
Approval of March 12, 2021 meeting minutes - Motion to approve, Dave Sargent, second Dave Bozak.
Open Session - Q & A
Ritu- info on zoom for next year? Sean – Yes, it will be back. Same protocols will be in place. Will be cleaning out the old recordings. Will probably expand a bit in some of the zoom rooms and hybrid spaces.
Committee Reports
Academic Technology Report (John)
Met on Wednesday. Spent a fair amount of time on Office 365, installing a fixed version on faculty machines. This means it will automatically update. Everyone will be on the same platform. Main concern is that there is a lot of confusion regarding office 365, there is a web version and an installed version. The installed version will be installed and residing on your computer.
Classroom technology
ITC Report (Theresa)
Met May 3rd. Talked about classroom and meeting spaces. Google form will be going out by the end of the week regarding classrooms being hyflex. Technology considerations for the classrooms, audio, mics, etc.
TIP grants, requests went out earlier last week to Deans and Chairs, more money available.
Discussed returning to work and returning of equipment. Discussed laptops, vs. desktops.
Print project. Less local printing and more network printing.
Labs – which ones coming back online, virtual lab moving to 207 MCC
Applications being piloted this semester,
Laptop program for new students coming in.
IT Steering (Sean)
- Met a couple of weeks ago. Discussed many of the items that Theresa mentions. Talked about the plans for the fall semester.
CTS Report - Summer 2021 Plans
- Jenny Carter - Construction on the 3rd floor of Sheldon? It is for Extended Learning. Yes
SUNY Oswego Print Initiative (Nicole Decker & Karen Hurd)
TIP grant presentations
Donna Matteson- This grant supports a Visual Reality (VR) experience and photo-polymerization printing and analysis within several curricula which will impact about 200 students per year. These tools provide students with real-world applications of emerging technologies and support a learning-centered experience where students have the unique opportunity to learn within the VR world by building and manipulating VR content for Computer-Aided Design and Architecture
Jason Hy & Greg Ketcham - This grant supports the purchase of a lightboard, providing faculty the ability to create visually dynamic lecture capture videos for online and hybrid learning. Institutions such as Northwestern University, Penn State, and San Diego State University have adopted this instructional technology in recent years. The technology is especially valuable for instructors in science, math, or technology, who often must work through formulae or explain complex processes using illustrations.