CTAB Meeting Minutes, September 9, 2022
8:00 am - 9:30 am via Zoom and in person MCC 114
Approval of Agenda
- Making a change - moving the Digital Environmental Update to a later date.
- Motion to approve, Dave Sargent, second John Kane
- All in favor.
Approval of May meeting minutes
- Motion to approve, Dave Sargent, second John Kane
- All in favor.
Open Session - Q & A
- Leigh - Regarding the Shineman endowment grant, I would just like to encourage everyone to apply, also, this would align with the TIP grant. Bill Bowers - Sep 15, 2022, is the deadline.
- Poon - I am new to the committee and would like to hear more about the committee. Sean explained the function of the committee and the sub-committees.
Committee Reports
- ITC Report (Theresa)
- No update
- IT Steering (Sean)
- Will meet a couple times during the year.
- CTS Report
- Summer 2022
- 2022-23 CTS Priorities
- Digital Learning Environment Update (Decker, Dutton, Gilliard-Cook)
- December 21st is the date for BB to be turned off.
- Poon - Is there a timeframe for winter course migration? Kathi - Will start in the next few weeks. Kathi explained the process of the conversion of the course shell and importing it into BrightSpace. Poon - Can we create our own course shell? Kathi - No, but Kathi can do a development shell. Have to look at development shells. Poon - Asked about the use of Panopto in BrightSpace. Kathi explained how it is currently being done. Working on an easier process.