November 11, 2022 CTAB Meeting Minutes

8:03 am - 9:30 am
Zoom and 123 Penfield (CELT) in person

  1. Welcome

  2. Approval of Agenda

    1. Motion to approve, John Kane.  Second,  Dave Bozak

  3. Approval of October meeting minutes

    1. Motion to approve, John Kane, Second, Dave Sargent

  4. Open Session - Q & A

  5. Committee Reports

    1. ITC Report

      1. Have not met yet.

    2. IT Steering (Sean)

      1. Have not met yet.

    3. CTS Report

      1. SET - Dan Laird

        1. Kicked off the campaign for the fall semester for the student evaluations.  Emails should have been automatically sent to faculty members letting them know that we will be starting.  The first notice will include best practices and tips and tricks.  Monday it will be available for students which will include a link and it will be open until the last day of classes.  We have a little over 1,800 sections for the fall.

        2. There are three different groupings inside of the AEFIS system.  First - People that were already in the pilot in the spring.  Second - The departments that had surveys in enterprise surveys and BB.  Third - People that the departments did not have any surveys in BB and we were not sure what they were using.  An email was sent to those departments to see if they wanted to participate.

        3. All the departments that piloted with us are on board. All but one or two departments that used Blackboard agreed to use the AEFIS system for the fall, and then about half of the third group (who didn’t use BB previously) decided they wanted to use AEFIS.  Those that we didn’t hear from we assume they are going on their own system. 

        4. The work that we are doing is largely based on a report from a group from FA and they recommended that the surveys be run the last two weeks of classes.  This is a unique semester because the last two weeks of the semester are actually three weeks.  We will get feedback from people to see how to handle the Thanksgiving break in the future.

  6. Digital Learning Environment Update (Nicole & Carrie Mocyk)

    1. Presentation

    2. Carrie - There are many resources on the DLE website for faculty.

    3. Poon - Is there a link that we can share with faculty for assignments?  Turn it in - Option.

    4. There will be a “grading party” to help faculty members, Dec 5, 7 and 9.  Librarian’s have put it together and we will be providing support.

    5. John - SUNY will be offering more advanced training soon.

  7. Projects

    1. Oswego CRMs (Client Relationship Management Systems) 

      1. Sean - We have been looking at our background systems and looking at how we can offer support to students. We want to improve the User experience in all of our systems.  On the backend after the students graduate, how we support our alumni.

      2. SLATE (Zach Demarsh & Rod Andrews)

        1. SLATE - Slate is a comprehensive platform for admissions and enrollment management, student success, and alumni/advancement.  Designed and developed exclusively for higher education, Slate by Technolutions is the only solution that can handle the breadth and depth of the modern student and donor lifecycle. It provides a single, unified interface to CRM, outreach and communications, travel management, online applications, online reading, student success and retention, and alumni and donor engagement.*

        2. Rod - Customer relationship management with Admissions.  We are thinking more about the student experience.  Zach - Showed the changes in the student portal. What students see when they log into the student application portal.

        3. Sean - Thank you Zach.  Moved from the old system in a few months.  Going through the whole cycle and looking at how we can improve.  Zach - Working with Admissions, meeting and getting an understanding of what is necessary for the students.  Also doing the same with graduate studies.  Met with orientation a couple of times, rebuilding how advisors interact with their students.  They will start reviewing December 5th.  Rod - He has been helping us on how we can speed up our application process and how we can reduce the tedious parts that we have to review.  Zach has helped us cut down the time on this process - to make it as mechanical as possible without losing the human touch.

        4. Sean - Orientation, having an idea of who is coming allows departments to come and to plan.

          1. Patricia Clark - Will these new students who are accepted as early as October have access to all the services on campus with their student id's--Penfield Library, e.g. - Generally they wouldn’t but the library does have guest access.

          2. Dave B. - Once upon a time (long, long ago)… there was discussion over having a portal for faculty. Then portals went out of fashion. Perhaps time to renew that discussion?  Sean - Not looking to do that this year.

      3. ThankQ (Suzanne Mannicia & Kimberly Waters)

        1. Presentation

        2. Suzanne showed how ThankQ works.

          1. Leigh - Will chairs ever be given (probably limited) access to ThankQ to reach out to particular department donors and donor groups (particularly to write thank-you notes, or invite alum donors to our department digital or on campus events). Currently we get a monthly spreadsheet that gives names only after donations.  Kimberly - We are open to conversion to share some of the information with chairs.  Sean - Mary would have to be open to this.  Kimberly - We could give people access to a destination, would be a policy change.

          2. Patricia Clark - How do you handle anonymous donors?   Suzanne, there is a box which we can check on the payment record which reflects anonymity.  

  8. Adjourn

*Taken directly from the Technolutions website.