October 21, 2022 Meeting Minutes

8:00 am - 9:30 am
Zoom and 123 Penfield (CELT) in person


1.  Welcome

2.  Approval of Agenda

  • Motion to approve, Dave Sargent,  second John Kane

  • All in favor.

3.  Approval of September meeting minutes

  • Motion to approve, John Kane, second Dave Sargent

  • All in favor.

4.  Open Session - Q & A

5.  Committee Reports

  • ITC Report (Theresa)

    • Will be meeting today at 3:30pm, and will have a report at the next CTAB meeting.

  • IT Steering (Sean)

    • IT Steering will be meeting either late November or early December.

  • CTS Report

    • SET - Student Evaluation and Teaching Project (Dan Laird)

      • www.oswego.edu/cts/set

        • Sean - This is necessitated because we are moving from BB.  Faculty Assembly did a study and this comes from the results of the study. Did a pilot in the spring and Dan indicated the student response was close to 50%.  It was about the same during summer session as well. Raihan indicated that Business had better response rates in AEFIS than in the old system

        • Dave B. - Dan, do you have examples of what surveys will look like (as students use them) as well as what the reports will look like?  Dan - There are some examples on the website.  

        • Poon - Will you be able to archive old surveys and access them after Bb is turned off? Theresa - They will be archived but we will only be able to send you the raw data.  

        • Dave B. - Psych has summarized ALL eval data, and broken down by electives, core, etc. … we lost that when we went to BB - can we do summaries with AEFIS?  Dan - We will have to look into that.

    • Digital Learning Environment Update (Nicole & Theresa)

      • Focus Group Participation form link.

      • Spring Course Migration link.

      • DLE Support Website.

      • Nicole - Oswego Today notice will be out next Wednesday.  Information and links will be provided in that notice.  Working with SUNY DLE team on the archive services.  Encourage everyone to get what you need out of BlackBoard well before the December 9 date.

      • Michele B. - Maybe send out a list of tips for people.  Discussion regarding some of the functions within Bright Space.

      • Theresa - We are continually creating documentation.

6. Projects

7. Adjourn