Course Evaluations
There are currently three options available for course evaluations online.
Blackboard Enterprise Survey
This is a department-wide solution that closely mirrors the traditional scantron course evaluation process. Students are emailed a link to their specific course evaluation. Additionally, the link is added inside Blackboard within the course and on the user’s Global Navigation. Results are computed and a pdf file is generated for each course. Instructors can access their results from inside their course. This is a completely anonymous tool.
Blackboard Course Survey
This survey is created by the instructor within their individual courses. The survey can be exported from one course then imported into another. Surveys are anonymous, however, the grade center will indicate who has submitted.
Bb Survey Template I Import instructions
Google Forms
The survey form is created by the instructor who then must provide the link to their students.
- There is an example form you can use and customize for your own needs, along with a video with instructions.
- This video is a quick start guide on Google Forms.
- This video shows you how to share the form.