Information Literacy waiver exam

Any student may elect to take the waiver exam that is given at least once a semester. No student may take a waiver exam more than once.

Exam schedules

The waiver exam consists of two parts, (Part I) an assessment of your computer literacy and (Part II) an evaluation of your information literacy. You must complete and pass both Parts I and II to receive the waiver. 

Part I of the exam is at 4:00 p.m. on Sunday 27 August 2023 in 448 Shineman. To register, please contact providing your name, Banner ID, and major.  You must register and bring your student ID to the exam

Part 2 of the exam, focusing on information literacy, is self paced.  E-mail your name and ID# to by Friday, 8 September 2023.
Note:  Part II must be completed by Sunday, 17 September and is only available for students who have passed Part I.  Students must ccomplete and pass both Parts I and 2 in order to receive the waiver.

For more information e-mail or or call 315.312.2367