College Council Meeting Minutes
May 10, 2021
Held via Zoom Video Conference
Darlene Baker
Saleem Cheeks
Richard Farfaglia
Brian McGrath, Esq.
Jim McMahon
Kristin Shanley-Graves, Esq
Elizabeth Dunne Schmitt, Professor of Economics, Faculty Assembly Chair
Jennifer Janes, Oswego Alumni Association
Mike Goldych, Excused
Lizeth Ortega Ramirez, Excused
Deborah F. Stanley, President
Mary Canale, Vice President for Development and Alumni Relations
Pamela Caraccioli, Deputy to the President for External Partnerships and Economic Development
Ebony Dixon, Executive Director of Enrollment Management
Kristi Eck, Chief of Staff
Scott Furlong, Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs
Jerri Howland, Vice President for Students Affairs and Enrollment Management
Rodmon King, Chief Diversity and Inclusion Officer
Victoria Furlong, Interim Vice President for Finance and Administration
Ellen McCloskey, Confidential Assistant to the President
Mary Toale, Executive Assistant to the President
Wayne Westervelt, Chief Communication Officer
1. Welcome and call to order: College Council Chair, James McMahon called the meeting to order via Zoom Video Conference at 1:34 p.m.
2. Approval of minutes of December 11, 2020 Meeting: James McMahon asked for a motion to approve the minutes from the December 11, 2020 meeting. All were in favor. The minutes of the December 11, 2020 meeting were approved by the Council.
3. Alumni Report: Jennifer Janes reported that SUNY Oswego had 15 alumni volunteers supporting the admissions efforts this spring. The alumni volunteers contacted (via email and phone) admitted out-of-state students to answer their questions and encourage them to submit their deposit.
Over 200 alumni have connected with approximately 3,300 students through the one-on-one connections established as part of the Alumni Sharing Knowledge (ASK) Program.
The newly launched Imagine 2021 program had a total of 357 unique participants. This amazing program was recognized by the SUNY Career Development Organization with two of their five Annual Excellence Awards.
Virtual Reunion celebration is being held June 7-13.
Oswego Alumni Association announced the names of six Oswego alumni being recognized this year for their exceptional contributions and accomplishments.
4. Faculty Report: Elizabeth Dunne Schmitt reported that the Undergraduate Curriculum Council (UCC) approved 12 new undergraduate courses and 29 course updates. The Graduate Council approved two new courses. She shared that three new undergraduate programs (Graphic Design BA, BFA; Integrative Professional Studies, BA, BS; and Studio Art, CAS); two new Graduate programs (Biomedical and Health Informatics MS at the Syracuse Campus, and Human-Computer Interaction Online MA); and SUNY Oswego’s first micro-credential (Digital Media and Communication Design) were established. Schmitt added that a new General Education category -- Diversity, Identity, and Social Justice in the United States – was created and will be an Oswego campus requirement beginning in the 2022-23 academic year. In the 2021-22 academic year it will be an optional category. The assembly also approved learning outcomes for this category.
5. President’s Remarks, Campus Update: (PowerPoint presentation shared.)
President Stanley began her report by commending the faculty for their work this year. It has been an incredibly busy year for faculty.
She introduced Vicki Furlong as Interim Vice President for Administration and Finance, and thanked Dr. Jerri Howland, who is leaving Oswego for a position at St. Mary’s of Maryland. Mary Toale will assume the role of Acting Vice President for Student Affairs. President Stanley reported we have an active, national search underway for the Vice Presidency that we are hoping will come to fruition before August. She asked if the College Council would consider a resolution recognizing Jerri’s contributions and thanking her for the work that she has done at SUNY Oswego.
Jim McMahon said the Council would be glad to prepare a resolution to support Jerri and added that the Council should also prepare a resolution for Nick because of all the great things that he has done at SUNY and SUNY Oswego over the years.
Brian McGrath moved to approve both resolutions subject to wording deemed appropriate by the President and the Chair. Darlene Baker seconded the motion. Resolution - Nicholas Lyons (PDF), Resolution - Jerri Howland (PDF)
President Stanley provide a comprehensive update to members of the College Council that included detailed information on the following topics: SUNY Oswego Budget 2020-2021; NYS Budget 2021-2022; Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund (HEERF); COVID-19 Related Expenses; Testing and Vaccination; Enrollment; Campus Initiatives & Updates including the Middle States Self-Study; Oswego College Foundation; Capital Updates; and Commencement.
6. Old Business: No old business was discussed.
7. New Business: No new business was discussed.
Motion to adjourn was made by Brian McGrath and approved by all at 3:26pm.