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As online gaming trends upward, eSports Association provides community

April 8, 2019

When Luke Scalo was getting ready to choose a college, he had a particular interest not normally seen in viewbooks -- and one that attracted him to Oswego.

Arts + culture

Focus on Faculty concert to feature Avalon duo plus alumnus

April 5, 2019

Juliet Forshaw, a member of the SUNY Oswego music faculty, will appear in concert Sunday, April 14, with duo partner Michael Judge and bassist and 2012 Oswego alumnus Taylor Ricks to perform "Living on Faith" and other original songs of "sharing your life with another person."

Arts + culture

Student's community mandala invites public participation

April 4, 2019

Asli Kinsizer first made a trip from her native Turkey to SUNY Oswego as a mentor to high school students competing in the GENIUS Olympiad. Less than four years later, she is a graduate student at the college, considers Oswego home and is excitedly awaiting public participation in finishing her mandala in Penfield Library.

Share your thoughts as Oswego explores its "brand"

April 3, 2019

College initiates branding exploration initiative and seeks input from students, faculty, staff, alumni and key stakeholders.

Arts + culture

Monks to create mandala during weeklong 'Mystical Arts of Tibet'

April 2, 2019

World-touring monks of the Drepung Loseling Monastery will promote peace and spiritual healing April 8 to 12 as they demonstrate "The Mystical Arts of Tibet," performing colorful and musical rituals around their construction of a mandala in the main lobby of SUNY Oswego's Penfield Library.

Awards + honors

Newman Fellow carries on family tradition of service

March 28, 2019

Campus Compact recently named Ariel Gutman-Gates, a SUNY Oswego junior psychology major, one of only 262 Newman Civic Fellows nationwide for 2019-20, recognizing his passion and hard work in growing the college's program for students who struggle with food insecurity.


Student's 'Sex and the City' analysis to encourage race, gender dialogue at Quest

March 28, 2019

Quest will provide a showcase Wednesday, April 3, for hundreds of scholarly and creative pursuits, such as senior broadcasting and mass communication major Tahirah Abdo's presentation on femininity and the absence of people of color in the television show "Sex and the City," still popular on a variety of media.

Student life

Summer math camp paves way for student success

March 27, 2019

The Summer Math Success Camp helps incoming students complete degrees in both the STEM and education fields. This free SUNY-funded opportunity sets Oswego apart from many other four-year institutions.


Quest presentation to highlight project to preserve Kiowa language

March 26, 2019

A SUNY Oswego faculty-student team is trying to help preserve a Native American language, Kiowa, with only about 10 fluent speakers remaining.


Project to advance classroom skills, aiming to boost student success

March 26, 2019

SUNY Oswego has named 35 of its faculty as fellows to engage in a yearlong series of intensive training modules called the "Course in Effective Teaching Practices," with a goal of increasing student success.