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Vote Oswego 'blitz week' energizes college registration campaign

October 5, 2016

A semester-long SUNY Oswego class project to encourage students to register and vote in November’s presidential election and local races reached a crescendo recently as the Vote Oswego drive recruited students across campus to pitch in for a “blit


'Wizard of Oz' theme to evoke college experience, Tyler Hall homecoming

September 30, 2016

To celebrate the grand reopening of renovated Tyler Hall and Waterman Theatre, the SUNY Oswego theater and music departments will stage a contemporary twist on the classic musical “The Wizard of Oz,” swapping out the yellow brick road for train tr


New partnership advances virtual reality research at SUNY Oswego

September 29, 2016

A German virtual reality software developer recently announced a partnership with SUNY Oswego, helping push VR research and learning opportunities forward in the college’s graduate program in human-computer interaction.

Composer, musicians to honor jazz educator in Oct. 19 concert

September 28, 2016

SUNY Oswego faculty member, composer and percussionist Eric Schmitz and five colleagues will honor the jazz and music education legacy of the late Fred Sturm in a “Suite for Fred” performance at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, Oct.


Fossil-hunting students flourish in New Mexico dig

September 22, 2016

Thanks to a National Geographic Society Committee for Research and Exploration grant, three SUNY Oswego undergraduates spent three weeks at Ghost Ranch, New Mexico, this summer unearthing such fossils as the tiny jaws of ancient animals—and the fo


Oswego professor, students explore green solution for air quality

September 21, 2016

Vadoud Niri of the SUNY Oswego chemistry faculty and his undergraduate assistants worked steadily—and quietly—for three years researching five common houseplants as agents for removing potentially hazardous chemicals such as acetone from the air.

2016 Steinkraus Lecture to address 'philosophy of mind'

September 15, 2016

SUNY Oswego’s 2016 Warren Steinkraus Lecture on Human Ideals will feature Pete Mandik of William Paterson University addressing “Mind, Metaphysics and the Future” at 4 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 6, in Marano Campus Center auditorium.

Science + technology

Star SUNY Oswego alumnus returning Sept. 29 for astrophysics talk

September 14, 2016

SUNY Oswego alumnus Earl Bellinger will give a Science Today lecture, “From Starlight to Stellar Ages: A Look Inside the Private Lives of Stars,” at 4 p.m. Sept. 29 in Room 170 of the Shineman Center.