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SUNY Oswego will be participating this semester in the upcoming National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE) – the "Nessie" – a national assessment project that benchmarks Oswego's educational practices against student experiences at other universities. The college participates in the NSSE every three years.

Between Feb. 24 and the end of March, all freshmen and graduating seniors will receive an email, inviting them to complete the survey. Students will also see an announcement about the NSSE in Blackboard. Please rest assured that this is a legitimate, secure and critically important assessment survey for our campus. We encourage you to take the time to participate.

Should you have any questions about the NSSE, please contact Deborah Furlong, director of Oswego’s Office of Institutional Research and Assessment, at or 315.312.2345.

Office of Institutional Research and Assessment 
SUNY Oswego