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Now in its 81st year, the college’s Technology Fall Conference will cross a new bridge this year in presenting an all-digital event Oct. 29 and 30.

The conference, coordinated by the college’s technology education program, will incorporate that factor and the many changes affecting educators everywhere in the event’s themes. Presentation areas will include:

  • Remote or hybrid instruction tools and techniques
  • Student engagement and inquiry
  • At-home technology activities and projects
  • Assessment strategies
  • Technology-enhanced accessibility
  • Success stories: Best practices and projects, lessons learned

While the delivery method will change, conference organizers once again expect hundreds of attendees from those teaching from kindergarten to college, as well as in related professions. Oswego students and other members of the campus community are invited to virtually attend the conference as well.

Many of those who attend and present are teachers and professionals who graduated from Oswego’s technology or other education programs.

Registration is free for this all-online conference.

For more information, visit the Technology Fall Conference website.