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The college's Alternative Break service opportunities in January are now accepting applications, with a Nov. 17 deadline to apply. 
Alternative Breaks are week-long service experiences happening from Jan. 15 to 23, 2022. During that week, participants will travel to different host sites to offer direct service to the community.

The Office of Community services offers two different Alternative Break experiences this winter:
  • Affordable Housing for All:  Alt Breakers will travel to Omaha, Nebraska, to work with Habitat for Humanity. Participants will build and repair homes in various stages of construction. Participants may also serve in Habitat for Humanity's ReStore and organize donations.
  • Oswego Staycation: Alt Breakers will stay in Oswego County where they will serve a different organization each day. Service may include: Preparing and distributing meals, building wheelchair ramps, working with senior citizens, preserving local historical sites and more.
If you are interested in one of these incredible opportunities, check out the Alternative Breaks Application. Applicants should read the Alternative Break Information Packet and attend a Zoom information session before applying (times for information sessions are listed in the packet).