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Signups are available for three Alternative Spring Break 2023 service options open to SUNY Oswego students, with a Nov. 11 registration deadline for consideration.

Since 2001, SUNY Oswego students have dedicated academic breaks to engaging in strong direct service to local, domestic and international communities. 

2023 Alternative Spring Break programs include:

  • Campus Pride in Charlotte, North Carolina: Campus Pride serves LGBTQ and ally student leaders and campus organizations in the areas of leadership development, support programs and services to create safer, more inclusive LGBTQ-friendly colleges and universities. It exists to develop, support and give “voice and action” in building future LGBTQ and ally student leaders.
  • American Hiking Society in Allegheny National Forest, Pennsylvania: For this project, volunteers will work closely with forest service staff on rebuilding the Beaver Meadows trail bridge through a meadow abounding with wildlife and recreational opportunities.
  • Staycation in Oswego: Volunteers will take part in projects to help and support local non-profit organizations’ community programs.

These week-long immersive service trips partner with community organizations to support efforts and social justice initiatives. 

SUNY Oswego students serve alongside community members to strengthen the organization they are serving with, aligning with the values SUNY Oswego puts forth including active citizenship, social justice, diversity and inclusion, and self-awareness and reflection.

Alternative Spring Breaks are housed in Student Engagement and Leadership, located within Marano Campus Center. Use this registration form to apply for these experiences.

Reach out to with questions.