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"The Farewell," an award-winning film produced by 1995 SUNY Oswego graduate Andrew Miano, will have special screenings at the downtown Oswego Cinema 7, Friday, Sept. 13 through Thursday, Sept. 19.

A theatre major and a creative writing minor, Miano "pulled a bunch of strings to get the film screened in Oswego because of the connection, so it would be great to get as many students and faculty there as possible," said Julie Pretzat, dean of SUNY Oswego's School of Communications, Media and the Arts.

The film is currently scheduled for 11:45 a.m. and 4:50 p.m. screenings Friday through Sunday, with 4:50 daily screenings next Monday through Thursday. Visit the Oswego Cinema schedule page for "The Farewell" for more information.

"The film is getting great reviews," Pretzat said. "I saw it and loved it."

Joe Morgenstern of the Wall Street Journal described the film as: "A funny, emotionally intricate and deeply moving tale of severed connections and renewed family ties." Tom Augustine of the New Zealand Herald called the film "patient, sensitive, remarkably universal in its specificity." While it is a film that "launches no thunderbolts, no dazzling revelations," Sandra Hall wrote in the Sydney Morning Herald, "The film is too gentle for that, with too much affection for its characters."
The plot juggles emotion and comedy, as a Chinese family discovers their grandmother has only a short while left to live and decide to keep her in the dark, scheduling a wedding to gather before she dies. "The Farewell" earned audience awards at the London Sundance Film Festival, Atlanta Film Festival, Los Angeles Asian Pacific Film Festival and Cinematopia Film Festival, among other honors.