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Members of the campus community are invited to submit applications for 2023-24 arts funding opportunities via the university's Artswego program.

Artswego is the primary source of support on the SUNY Oswego campus for programs and special current projects that complement the educational mission of the college through residencies, exhibits and other forms of engagement with arts professionals. Examples include the Artswego Performing Arts Series, Ke-nekt' Chamber Music Series, Living Writers Series, Visiting Artist Program and Tyler Art Gallery exhibits. One-time projects proposed by academic departments and faculty are also eligible for support.

Resources for these activities come from the voluntary student arts fee, and contributions by faculty, staff and community supporters. Artswego-supported activities serve all members of the campus and wider community. Specific projects in the arts often receive additional support from local and regional arts agencies, businesses and private foundations.

Proposals for Artswego support are received in the late spring for activities that will take place in the following academic year, and are reviewed on the basis of artistic quality, educational relevance, strength of planning and commitment of other funds or resources. Funding recommendations are the responsibility of the Arts Programming Board, a diverse committee with faculty, staff and student representation.

Artswego Funding for Academic Year 2023-24: Due March 20, 2023

  1. Read 2023-24 ARTSwego Guidelines (PDF)
  2. Download and save 2023-24 Budget Sheet (PDF) to your computer. 
  3. Complete the Funding Application (Google Form) and attach Budget Sheet and any other supporting materials.
  4. Complete the Summary Report Form (Google Form) within 30 days after the completion of the funded program. 

For question or more information, email