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The Adult Student Assistance Program (ASAP) will spotlight finding a work-life balance during a virtual presentation at 7 p.m. on Thursday, Oct. 26.

Organizers ask: How are you balancing work, school, family and life in general? Many students feel overwhelmed, which can easily lead to burnout!

During this virtual gathering, you will have the opportunity to connect with both experts and fellow students who understand the intricacies of balancing it all. The session will share valuable tips and tricks that can make a significant difference in navigating these challenges and finishing the semester strong.

Your well-being and success matter to the campus, and organizers believe that coming together can create a supportive and empowering community.

Online registration is still available via this link.

ASAP is designed to help adult learners connect with SUNY Oswego and other students.

Every few weeks, these programs on Zoom offer a fast, fun, jam-packed and interactive session. Representatives from all around SUNY Oswego will be there with tools, tips, resources and information, plus ready to connect with you and answer any questions.

For more information, email

-- Submitted by the SUNY Oswego Adult Student Outreach Team