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Pat Jones from Clean Maine Carbon will discuss "Biochar: Putting carbon back where it belongs" in the next edition of Rice Creek Associates (RCA) Reflections at 2 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 7, at Rice Creek Field Station on the SUNY Oswego campus.

The talk at the field station is free and open to the public.

The U.S. Department of Agriculture defines "biochar" as "black carbon produced from biomass sources [i.e., wood chips, plant residues, manure or other agricultural waste products] for the purpose of transforming the biomass carbon into a more stable form."

Clean Maine Carbon is a biochar producer in Greenville, Maine. Jones will discuss what biochar is and why it can help with cooling the planet. Jones will also cover areas where Biochar can help increase crop yields, decrease the need for fertilizers, and reduce the use of water -- along with uses other than soil and water health. Free samples of Biochar will be available to those attending in person.

Free parking is available by the field station building. Students needing transportation can email by Thursday, Oct. 5, requesting a van pick-up.

RCA Reflections are invited talks about ecology and the environment, free and open to all to join. These talks are presented in a hybrid manner, and refreshments will be served for those attending in person. Those interested in accessing the talk via Zoom can email

Rice Creek Field Station, a unit of SUNY Oswego, is dedicated to supporting academic instruction, research and public service in all aspects of natural history, especially the natural sciences and environmental education. Located at 193 Thompson Road in Oswego, Rice Creek is a 350-acre nature preserve with five miles of trails traversing fields, forests, and wetlands open year-round to the public, from dawn until dusk.

Rice Creek Associates is a community of like-minded people who share a passion for nature and a desire to support Rice Creek Field Station. Formed in 1986, RCA supports Rice Creek Field Station's mission by expanding the scientific, educational, and recreational opportunities at the Field Station through community involvement. For more information, including a link to join RCA for as little as $5 or $10, visit the RCA webpage.

-- Submitted by Rice Creek Associates