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Analytics, the use of and analysis of data to help make decisions, continues to a growing field in business and other areas -- and sits at the heart of one of the college's newest minors.

The minor in business analytics applicable to all fields and majors, not just business. Journalists, for example, increasingly use machine learning to help with reporting.

Analytics is a huge buzzword in all industries, and students can give themselves an edge over their peers in the highly competitive job market with this minor, said faculty member Kristin Sotak, who coordinates the program

The interdisciplinary minor offers courses such as ISC 215: "Business Programming/Data Analysis Tools," ISC 329: "Database Management Systems in Business," MKT 375: "Marketing Research," MAT 378: "Data Mining and Predictive Analytics" and two electives in classes such as "Digital Marketing," "Marketing Analytics," "Forecasting," "Data Analytics," "Operations Management," "Management Science," "Decision Analysis" or "Supply Chain Management."

If you have questions, ask your advisor or reach out to Sotak at