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Dear Campus Community,

I am pleased to announce that next summer, June 2021, the entire campus community will embark on our latest grand challenge: to take a single, multi-faceted world issue and address it together.  This will represent the second time our college community will come together across all disciplines, departments and divisions to address a common problem.

In order to determine the topic, I am asking you for your help and participation.  Please take a few moments to complete the Grand Challenge Survey, where you can rank four provided Grand Challenges in order of preference. 

We look forward to your response by Thursday, April 30, 2020.  Thank you for taking the time to participate in selecting a topic for our next Grand Challenge.  Should you have any questions about our current initiative and the work we have done on the topic of Fresh Water for Allvisit the Grand Challenges website.

Together, we are SUNY Oswego; and together, we can tackle the grand challenges of our times.

Deborah F. Stanley