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Students can learn more about, and meet supervisors from, potential internship opportunities at the On-Campus Internship Expo from 3 to 5 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 20, on the Marano Campus Center concourse.

SUNY Oswego has 38 campus departments with more than 45 on-campus internship programs, many of whom will have representatives at the expo. Attending this event will allow students to connect directly with supervisors, learn about their programs and hear firsthand from students currently completing academic internships with them.

On-campus Internships provide opportunities that can be tailored to unique learning experiences, while gaining real-world experience right on campus. Attendees can learn there is something for everyone, regardless of major. Student experiences range from interning with areas like Title IX and SHOP to interning with Facilities, Rice Creek and even the Office of the President. Internships provide a chance to work with Oswego professionals who are dedicated to student success and development.

Online registration is available on Handshake.

Anybody with questions can contact Tina Cooper, internship coordinator, at, or visit the EXCEL office in 145 Marano Campus Center.