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Captioning makes audio and video content more accessible. As SUNY Oswego has shifted to alternative modes of teaching in recent weeks, more students than ever stand to benefit from the captioning of video content. To support faculty in the first weeks of their transition to online teaching, Campus Technology Services offered captioning services for some newly generated videos.

The campus is now moving to a self-service model for captioning. This means that faculty are responsible for captioning their own teaching-related video content, but many free and easy-to-use services are available. Some free services include:

There are many benefits of captioning audio and video content:

  • Providing captioning and transcripts fulfills a legal requirement (Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, section 508) for students with disabilities, even if they haven’t requested accommodations. It’s not just required by law, it’s the right thing to do. 
  • Transcripts can be helpful when people have difficulty focusing on audio because of other distractions in their current home environment (children, family members, pets, etc).
  • Providing the text as an alternate means of study can assist and reinforce the lecture. 
  • Knowing that students have a variety of bandwidth capabilities, it is good to provide low tech solutions including the transcript of the video. This aids students who have difficulty streaming videos because of network or economic limitations.

CTS encourages all instructors to utilize these resources to caption or transcribe the video that they create for their courses. If you have questions or comments, please feel free to contact the Help Desk at