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SUNY Oswego again seeks to recognize its outstanding students through the Chancellor’s Award for Student Excellence, the highest honor bestowed upon a student by the State University of New York. The university seeks nominations of students for this year’s award. Please note that only those students graduating between June 2023 and May 2024 are eligible to be nominated.

Nominees for this award should be students who have best demonstrated the integration of SUNY excellence within many aspects of their lives, which must include at least three of the following areas: 

  • Academic Excellence
  • Leadership
  • Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Justice
  • Campus Involvement or Community Service
  • Research and Development
  • The Arts (creative or performing)

The achievements and accomplishments listed in their nomination should reflect why they are one of the top outstanding students SUNY-wide in each of the selected three areas. Achievements and accomplishments to consider may include, but are not limited to, athletics, advocacy, military service, student government, teaching and service positions, involvement in clubs and organizations, volunteer work and research experience.

Achievements and accomplishments must have been attained during the timeframe enrolled at SUNY Oswego. Nominees may have already received recognition from our campus or local, state, national or international organizations, and we would like you to include that information in the nomination process.

All nominations and letters of support must be submitted no later than Thursday, Jan. 4, 2024Please submit this nomination form to nominate a student who you believe is worthy of this statewide, prestigious recognition. Nominators are required to provide a letter of support to accompany their nomination. Letters of support should be emailed to  

Nominees will be notified of their nomination by Jan. 4, 2024, and invited to submit materials including a personal statement and resume by Jan. 12, 2024.

Please take the time to nominate those students whom you think might be worthy of this statewide, prestigious recognition. If you have questions, please contact Christy Huynh, Assistant Vice President for Student Affairs and Dean of Students at