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CTS Cyberbits is a monthly column on cybersecurity that contains information on how to protect yourself online and new emerging threats to be aware of. In this month’s edition, Campus Technology Services will cover break and vacation awareness.

Breaks between semesters are, for many, a time to take a vacation to relax and regroup. However, during this time of rest and relaxation, many cybercriminals will spring to action. With cybercrime at higher-than-usual levels during holidays and the start of a semester, it is important to keep the following in mind:

  • Treat emails from unknown sources with extra suspicion. Phishing emails are more frequent during holiday seasons and the beginning of a semester, and will often try to scare you with messages suggesting your computer was hacked while you were away from the office.
  • If you receive a multi-factor authentication request, always verify it is due to something you were attempting to access. If it isn't, change your password immediately.
  • Perform a security check on your email account once you return to campus. If you see any unusual activity or logins from places you haven’t been, change your password and report the activity.

By being vigilant during and after breaks and vacations, everybody can help keep the campus safe. If you see any suspicious activity like the types listed here or have security-related concerns, please report them to the CTS Help Desk so CTS can investigate.

-- Submitted by Campus Technology Services