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This is a reminder to recognize some of the university's finest at SUNY Oswego via the Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Classified Service.

Nominations for the 2022-2023 Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Classified Service close on Monday, Feb. 20, 2023. Any member of the campus community may nominate an eligible state employee presently serving in a full-time classified service capacity.

Classified employees are employed as members of our clerical staff, maintenance staff, custodial staff, university police, or nursing staff, and are from any of the following negotiating units: CSEA, PEF, PBA of New York State and NYSCOPBA.

View the nomination form

The nominee must be:
a. An individual who has continuously demonstrated outstanding achievement, skill and commitment to excellence in fulfilling the job description for the position held.
b. An individual who has demonstrated excellence in activities beyond the scope of the job description.
c. An individual who has demonstrated creativity and flexibility in performing her or his position to meet campus needs.

Special consideration will be given to employees who consistently provide exemplary customer service to students, faculty, staff and other members of the campus community.

Previous nominations are highly encouraged. Nominees must have completed three years of continuous full-time permanent service in their position.

Nomination Forms and narrative statements must be submitted to the Office of the President, 708 Culkin Hall (or electronically to no later than 4:30 p.m. on Monday, February 20, 2023.

In support of those submitting nominations, here is a sample narrative statement.

The Chancellor’s Awards for Excellence in the Classified Service are System-level awards established by the State University of New York to give statewide recognition for superior performance and extraordinary achievement by employees in the Classified Service.

Recipients will receive an inscribed Chancellor’s Excellence medallion, a certificate and recognition in the college catalog by the addition of the phrase “State University Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Classified Service.”

A campus committee will review all nominations and recommend one candidate to the Officer in Charge for approval as SUNY Oswego’s nominee at the university-wide level. The Chancellor will announce the award recipients in April 2023.

If you have any questions regarding this award, please contact Anneke McEvoy, Staff Fellow, Office of the President and Associate Director of the James A. Triandiflou Institute for Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, and Transformative Practice at (315) 312-2213 or