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Undergraduate students who will be graduating as of May 2024 and who have not yet filed online to graduate should do so as soon as possible.

Undergraduates who will complete requirements in the Spring 2024 semester should file no later than Sunday, Oct. 1, 2023 for their name to be listed in the commencement program. Students completing requirements in Summer 2024 should file as August graduates, but are still able to walk in the May ceremony (no matter how many credits they are taking in summer). August graduates have until Feb. 1, 2024 to apply online for graduation. To apply for graduation online, students must do the following:

  1. Access their MyOswego link 
  2. Sign in and select the Student Records link. From the registration link, select “Apply to graduate.” Before you can apply for graduation, you will need to select the Curriculum term (usually current term), and then follow the prompts for applying for the correct (future) graduation term. Please note, if you are unable to apply online for graduation, contact the Graduation Area of the Registrar’s Office,, for help in doing so. 
  3. Once a student has applied to graduate, undergraduate students must meet with their advisor for each of their major(s) and minor(s) and complete a Senior Check Form to be submitted to the Registrar's Graduation Area, by the appropriate deadline. The Senior Check Form is mandatory for graduation.

Senior check forms for students graduating in May should only be completed after a student has applied for graduation, and are due back to the Registrar’s Office no later than Dec. 1, 2023. Senior check forms can only be accepted by the Registrar’s Office after a student has applied for graduation. 

Senior check forms for students graduating in August 2024 are due no later than April 1, 2024. Senior check forms are mandatory for graduation for undergraduate students for all majors/minors and the Honors Program.

-- Submitted by the Registrar's Office