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Student Affairs staff, in partnership with the Office of Diversity and Inclusion, will host a new dialogue series called “Difficult Conversations.”

The series aims to create a dialogue space for students, staff and faculty to engage in meaningful, challenging and vital conversations about race, ethnicity, gender and the intersectionality of identities. This dialogue series begins by introducing the process in which participants can explore their own identity, understand the experiences of others, build their intercultural competence and work towards living a more socially just life.

Participation in this dialogue involves a personal exploration of one’s own identity as well as compassion and empathy for other participants' lived experiences. All participants are asked to make a commitment to the following components in order to fully engage in the experience:

  • Active listening and participation in circle dialogue
  • Responsibility of presence in space, including verbal and non-verbal actions
  • Attendance at all four dialogue sessions (Oct. 29 and 31, Nov. 7 and 12)
  • Attendance for the full duration of the session (4 to 5:30 p.m.)

Spots are limited. Please use this online form to sign up.