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The Office of the Dean of Students is offering an opportunity for off-campus and commuter students to attend an event that will include a fully-paid dinner at a downtown restaurant and a movie ticket to Oswego Cinema, including snacks and drinks.

Participants will be chosen by responding to an online survey, which includes questions seeking information about experiences of our off-campus and commuter students. The Office of the Dean of Students hopes to ease some of the stress around Oswego’s midterms and ensure off-campus students feel welcomed and a part of our SUNY Oswego community. 

The plan is for students chosen (from a drawing) to have dinner at the restaurant around 5 p.m. and attend a movie afterward at the Oswego Cinema around 7 p.m., on Monday, March 27. The meal and movie will be the participants' choice.

-- Submitted by the Office of the Dean of Students