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The college's Health Promotion and Wellness Club will offer a weekly virtual series, "Discover Wellness: Find a Healthier You" to employees, starting next week.

After an informational session from 1 to 1:50 p.m. on Tuesday, Sept. 8, the series will offer these sessions every Monday at that time:

  • Sept. 14: "Writing Away Stress"
  • Sept. 21: "Decoding Nutrition Labels"
  • Sept. 28: "Move Well"
  • Oct. 5: "Don't Stress About Stress"
  • Oct. 12: "Portion Distortion"
  • Oct. 19: "Beginner Resistance Training"
  • Oct. 26: "Sleep Well"

Comfortable clothing is suggested, although participants will not do any running, jumping or anything requiring special attire.

For information or to register, contact Elizabeth Keida of the health promotion and wellness faculty at