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Penfield Library is seeking submissions from faculty and staff for Display To Archives 2022-23. Display to Archives is Penfield Library's ongoing effort to collect, recognize, exhibit, and promote access to the creative and scholarly work of SUNY Oswego's faculty and staff.

The library kindly requests that faculty and staff donate copies of their recently published professional work, or the programs or reviews related to their recitals, exhibitions, theatre productions or other creative activities. Donated materials are added to the University Archives, where they are made available for public access in Archives and Special Collections. Participants are invited to an annual celebration event in April.

Faculty and staff are encouraged to send in examples of their scholarly and creative activities to or addressed to Penfield Library ATTN: Zachary Vickery, College Archivist Librarian. This year's submission deadline is March 1.

To learn more about this project, visit the Display To Archives web page.