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The SUNY Oswego Employee Assistance Program (EAP) will sponsor a Healthy Salad Bowl Luncheon on Tuesday, July 26, from noon to 1 p.m., in 114 Marano Campus Center. 

There is no fee to attend, and EAP will supply utensils, napkins, salad bowls, lettuces and salad dressings. Each person will be required to bring a salad topping to share (sign up sheet link will be sent when the RSVP is received). 

EAP invites all to come for a healthy lunch, some great conversation, a chance to meet others from campus and to get free EAP promotional items. 

To attend, please RSVP to by July 20.  

If you only have a 30-minute lunch, please notify your supervisor that you will be attending a sponsored event of EAP.

The SUNY Oswego EAP is a worksite-based program designed to help employees deal with the everyday issues involved in balancing work and life, as well as more serious problems that may impact work performance. EAP services are confidential, voluntary and offered at no cost to employees and their families.