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With Election Day right around the corner, the Office of Human Resources wants to remind everyone of the legislation passed in April 2020 amending the Election Law. Employees may take up to two hours of paid leave to vote in any election in New York State, when the employee does not have sufficient time to vote before or after their work shift.

If an employee has four consecutive hours either between the opening of the polls and the beginning of the employee’s work shift, or between the end of their work shift and the closing of the polls, that employee is considered to have sufficient time to vote.

If an employee does not have four consecutive hours to vote as defined above, up to two hours of time may be taken without loss of pay to allow that employee time to vote.

Any employee that has been deemed to have sufficient time to vote according to the new legislation will not be eligible to take paid time off to vote. If they still would like to take time off of their shift to vote they may do so by charging time to vacation, compensatory time credits or personal leave, as approved by the supervisor. Time off to vote must be taken at the beginning or end of the work shift.

Time off to vote applies to general elections, special elections called by the Governor, primary elections, town and village elections, but not to school or library elections.

If an employee requires time off to vote, you must notify your supervisor not less than two days, but no more than 10 days before the day of the election.

Visit the HR announcements page for the most up-to-date information from the college's Human Resources and Payroll offices.