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Faculty and staff are reminded that SUNY Oswego’s Employee Assistance Program (EAP) is available remotely. EAP was designed to help employees deal with the everyday issues involved in balancing work and life, as well as more serious problems.

EAP services are confidential, voluntary and offered at no cost to employees and their families. SUNY Oswego’s coordinator, Cathy Johnston, is working remotely and is available to provide online support and resources to employees and their families to help them address their emotional and mental health concerns during this stressful time.

She is available to help identify resources for employees to address anxiety, stress, isolation, illness, financial issues, job loss, childcare, children out of school, grief and loss, and other issues. She also has resources to help address domestic violence and suicide ideation concerns as well.

If you are experiencing anxiety or other emotional distress during this crisis, or just want to talk, please contact EAP.

Cathy can be reached at 315-312-5546 or You also can visit SUNY Oswego’s EAP website for more information.

To learn more about how EAP works, you can watch a short video on the program.

Finally, another resource that employees can call is the New York State Emotional Support Helpline at 1-844-863-9314. The Emotional Support Line provides free and confidential support, helping callers experiencing increased anxiety due to the coronavirus emergency.