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The Spring 2020 Round of the Faculty Scholarly and Creative Activity Grant application/review process has concluded with nine proposals recommended for a total of $25,077.25 in funding by members of the Scholarly and Creative Activity Committee. Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs Scott Furlong approved these recommendations. 

The funded proposals are as follows: 

  • "Analysis of a Light-responsive Degradable Plastic," Matthew Baker, Chemistry
  • "Synthesis of Carbon-Iron Oxide Nanocomposites for Selective Removal of Toxins from Contaminated Water," Mohammad Islam, Physics
  • "Federal, state and local regulatory impacts on the emerging cannabis industry," Michele Thornton, Marketing and Management
  • "Autonomous De-skewer for High-speed Parallel Data (ADHPD)," Marianne Hromalik, Electrical and Computer Engineering
  • "Making Waves: Rogan Jones’s Pursuit of Broadcasting Freedom," Helen Knowles, Political Science
  • "Surface Plasmon Resonance Analysis of Thrombomodulin and Complement Protein Interactions," Julia Koeppe, Chemistry
  • "Understanding the Mineralogy and Geochemistry of Rock and Sediment in Central New York," Nicholas DiFrancesco, Rachel Lee, Atmospheric and Geological Sciences
  • "The Effect of Urbanization on Plumage Color in Northern Cardinals," Daniel Baldassarre, Biological Sciences
  • "Perceptions of Mass Shootings and Moral Panic Among U.S. Citizens," Jaclyn Schildkraut, Criminal Justice

For more information on Faculty Scholarly and Creative Activity Grants and other campus-based research funding, visit the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs' Internal Grants page.