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The college's Institute for Global Engagement (IGE) has three events scheduled on Tuesday, Oct. 12, to better introduce the campus to the world community as well as in support of its Year of First Nations theme for 2021-22.

At the IGE Humphrey Fellows Speed Meeting from 9 a.m. to 10:55 a.m. in the Sheldon Hall ballroom on Tuesday, students can meet professionals (including civil servants, economists, digital technologists, NGO workers and more) from Argentina, Azerbaijan, Benin, Guatemala, South Korea, Burkina Faso, Malawi, Pakistan and Russia. Participants have seven minutes to interview a Humphrey Fellow before moving on to another interview.

The campus community is invited to Zoom in for a panel discussion on "The Intersection of Indigenous Communities Spirituality, Nutrition, Medicinal Practices and Health Promotion" from 12:45 to 2 p.m. Tuesday, in Micheal Quirk's HSC 241 class. IGE invited a series of speakers that are directly representing or collaborating with indigenous communities from around the globe to talk. Representatives from Canada, Guatemala and Malaysia will present on their collaborative research and initiatives among native communities in Guatemala and Malaysia. To learn more, access speaker bios online and then access the Zoom meeting as it happens.

From 2:20 to 3:35 p.m., the campus community can join a virtual talk on "Indigenous Cultural-Related Considerations in Poverty, Policy and Quality of Life," in Eve Benavides' SOC 367 course. Hassan Vatanparast, Michele Monroy-Valle and Sabastiana Pol Suy (Poshita) will present an interactive talk and activity through Zoom on health care, nutrition, healing and related topics. Those interested can access the bios of speakers and then access the Zoom meeting as it happens.

For more information on these and other Year of First Nations activities, visit the IGE website.