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On a semesterly basis, Campus Technology Services reviews the software that is available on Advanced Technology Classroom  (ATCs) and adjusts the offering. While adjustments are made over the breaks, changes can still be made during the semester. If you find that you need additional software installed on our Advanced Technology Classroom computers, you may submit a request by filling out our Software Installation Request Form through our self-service portal.  You may also contact the Help Desk by phone at 315.312.3456 or email us at

The list of software that is currently available on all of our ATCs and CTS-maintained computer labs can be found on the CTS software page. Please note that there may be some software installed and only available in departmental labs due to licensing, and therefore not listed on the webpage.

In addition, a list of all our ATCs, and the technology that can be used in those classrooms, can be found on the ATC page.

Some additional sites of possible interest are listed below:

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the CTS Help Desk.

Campus Technology Services, Help Desk
26 Lanigan Hall | 315-312-3456 | SUNY Oswego