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A new health and wellness initiative, the Laker Thrive Series for Employees will offer a series of enriching activities aimed at promoting well-being and fostering community.

All of these activities are free to all employees, and serve as a complement to the many wellness offerings the university provides students. Some events might require registration due to a limited number of spots available due to activity space.

The Laker Thrive initiative was approved by the President's Cabinet on July 18, 2023. The series was planned by Division of Student Affairs staff and Health Promotion and Wellness faculty, with support from Rice Creek Field Station and the Employee Assistance Program.

All SUNY Oswego full-time and part-time employees are welcome – including adjunct faculty, Auxiliary Services and Research Foundation employees.

Array of activities

Examples of upcoming activities include:

  • A Couch to Pumpkin Run program, featuring a newsletter and encouragement, starting Sept. 1 until the 5K on Oct. 21
  • Walk the Lake Ontario Shoreline Challenge, throughout the month of September
  • Rice Creek Field Station exploration events, including kayaking, from noon to 1 p.m. on Wednesdays, Sept. 6 and 20, Oct. 4 and 18; and nature walks on the alternate Wednesdays during the same time slot, Sept. 13 and 27, Oct. 11 and 25
  • A Friday FunDay series featuring lawn games and recreation, from noon to 1:30 p.m. on Fridays, Sept. 8 to Dec. 8
  • A Parent Support Group, from noon to 1 p.m. Wednesdays, running Sept. 13 to Dec. 6 and led by Director of Counseling Services Lynn Braun, in Mary Walker Health Center
  • Fentanyl Test Strips and Naloxone training sessions on Sept. 19 and Oct. 23
  • Sky, Land and Lake: Lessons from Nature, a three-week lakeside mindfulness ecotherapy program on Sept. 27, and Oct. 4 and 11
  • Find a Healthier You five-week virtual worksite wellness program, Mondays from Oct. 16 to Nov. 17
  • How to Talk to Your Kids About Substances, on Oct. 30
  • Low-rate campus recreation memberships for employees for activities in Cooper and Glimmerglass Fitness Center, as well as Lee Hall and Swetman Gym, for $100 for a full year or $40 per semester

Incentives provided

The incentivized program offers awards for participation. Those engaging in at least three activities who complete the associated Google form will earn a special SUNY Oswego T-shirt or a water bottle.

Participation is made easy with seamless electronic tracking, whether scanning a QR code or clicking on a link.

In addition, there is a grand prize for the most enthusiastic participants. Those who engage in 10 or more activities and complete the Google form will have the chance to win either:

  • A free membership to the Fitness Center (five prizes available)
  • A pair of tickets to an Laker athletic event (10 pairs available, totaling 20 tickets)
  • A pair of tickets to an arts or theater performance (five pairs available, totaling 10 tickets)

A pilot project this fall, the initiative will include assessment by program organizers to determine long-term feasibility depending on participation.

For more information on these activities, and to register for events requiring you to do so, visit the Laker Thrive for Employees website. For general questions, email