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The Latino Student Union will host its annual LSU Week Nov. 9 to 14, with collaborations with several campus organizations on campus.

Events include:

  • Monday, 7 p.m.: “I'm Not Your Papi”: In a collaboration with AAMEN and Lambda Sigma Upsilon Latino fraternity, LSU addresses toxic masculinity and expectations men in heterosexual relationships face.
  • Tuesday, 7 p.m.: “To Me Hiciste Brujeria”: In collaboration with the Caribbean Student Association, this session looks at Latine spirituality across different countries.
  • Wednesday : “Mujeres Revolucionaria,” 8 p.m.: In collaboration with the Women’s Center, LSU said this presentation will shed light on Latina revolutionaries who radically shaped people’s lives for the good.
  • Thursday: “Being POC in a PWI,” 6 p.m.: In collaboration with the Asian Student Association, this session represents a deep conversation around what it means to be a person of color at SUNY Oswego.
  • Friday: “Mi Pajon es Bello,” 5 p.m.: In collaboration with Bold Black Beauties, this session offers a discussion about embracing natural hair and the different ways to take care of it.
  • Saturday: “Un Coro con DJ Kodak,” 7 p.m.: LSU hosts a live session with alumni DJ Kodak to enjoy some tunes.

This Zoom ID will work for all events. For more information, follow LSU’s Instagram account or email