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The letter below was emailed from Interim Chancellor Deborah F. Stanley to members of the SUNY community on June 24, 2022.

Dear SUNY community,

Today’s (Friday's) significant and far-reaching decision by the U.S. Supreme Court to overturn Roe v. Wade and with it 50 years of settled law, has already sparked a wide range of reactions and emotions across our nation, our state, and the SUNY system. I recognize that for many, today’s (Friday's) ruling may cause a great deal of pain and confusion.

Therefore, in light of the Court's action, I want to join Governor Hochul in assuring all New Yorkers –- and members of our campus communities, in particular –- that your ability to access safe, legal reproductive healthcare services in our state is not impacted by this ruling. In addition, services provided at SUNY healthcare centers and in SUNY hospitals will not change.

New York lawmakers have taken a series of steps over the years in anticipation of this day’s arrival, voting in 2019 to codify the rights that were previously enshrined in Roe and also moving earlier this year to strengthen protections for those who perform abortions and the facilities where they are performed.

Whether you are a student, faculty, or staff member who needs assistance or someone to talk to, on this or any other issue, please take advantage of the broad mental health services provided by SUNY campuses and across our state.

At its core, SUNY is dedicated to the free and open expression and sharing of a vast array of ideas and opinions. I recognize that some members of our community will be exercising their First Amendment rights and engaging in demonstrations and other public actions in response to today’s (Friday's) ruling. I urge you to do so in a manner that is peaceful and respectful of others’ rights, opinions, and property.

